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Trade Bulletin
Sector focus – GMOs
The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission 2016 Public Hearing schedule.
Press Release

This hearing will explore the economic, geopolitical, and security elements of China’s South Asia strategy, and examine in detail China’s relations with India and Pakistan in particular. In addition, the hearing will assess how China’s evolving engagement in the region impacts U.S. interests.

This report assesses the extent to which China has enforced its air defense identification zone (ADIZ) in the East China Sea, and considers the potential conditions and implications of a Chinese ADIZ in the South China Sea.
This hearing will address recent economic trends from a market participant perspective; assess the role of state-owned and state-backed firms in China and abroad; examine the causes and extent of China’s overcapacity problem, and impacts on U.S. and global firms and markets; and evaluate China’s non-market economy status in order to inform deliberations ahead of December 2016, when certain provisions regarding China’s treatment under the terms of its WTO accession protocol expire.