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Trade Bulletin
Brexit raises economic questions in Beijing
The report, prepared for the Commission by Murray Scot Tanner and James Bellacqua at CNA, examines the Chinese government’s efforts to combat terrorism by analyzing China’s definition and perception of its terrorist threat, its institutional infrastructure, strategy, and policies for combating terrorism, international counterterrorism cooperation efforts, and the opportunities for, and challenges of, U.S.-China cooperation on countering terrorism.
This hearing will examine the structure, capabilities, and recent reforms of Chinese intelligence services. It will describe how China conducts espionage and other forms of intelligence collection. It will assess the implications for U.S. national security of Chinese espionage operations in the United States and abroad that target U.S. national security organizations and actors, including U.S. defense industrial chains, military forces, and leading national security decision makers. Panelists will discuss recommendations for congressional action to address the threat of Chinese intelligence collection against the United States.