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A public hearing on “A ‘China Model?’ Beijing’s Promotion of Alternative Global Norms and Standards” was unable to be held on the originally scheduled date, March 13, 2020, due to the Sergeant at Arms' decision to temporarily limit access to the Capitol Complex. Witness testimony has since been accepted and posted below. Questions for the record solicited by the Commission will be similarly be posted below once available.
Trade Bulletin
In focus – COVID-19 economic impact and response
This hearing will examine China’s ability to project military power and influence beyond its shores, with an emphasis on the country’s development of expeditionary capabilities. An official from the U.S. Department of Defense will provide testimony on how the Administration views China’s power projection and how such capabilities further China’s plans to reorder the Indo-Pacific and other key regions to its advantage. The first panel of experts will explore why and how China is developing expeditionary capabilities, with a focus on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as a vehicle for testing and justifying these capabilities. The second panel will focus on the ‘‘nuts and bolts’’ of China’s expeditionary capabilities, including the PLA’s efforts to improve its logistics organization and expand its access to overseas bases. The third panel will examine how China’s activities in South and Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean further its development of expeditionary capabilities.
Trade Bulletin
In focus—the coronavirus outbreak

On January 15, 2020, President Donald Trump and China’s Vice Premier Liu He signed a “Phase One” trade agreement. It forms part of an effort to resolve trade tensions that have been ongoing since March 2018, when the Office of the U.S.