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Since its establishment in 2000, the Commission has closely followed the situation in Hong Kong.


Despite four decades of promised liberalization, the Communist Party-state retains the ability to intervene decisively in China’s banking system to achieve desired outcomes.


The following report, "China’s Space and Counterspace Capabilities and Activities," examines China’s military and civil space programs, including the role of military-civil fusion (MCF) and international cooperation in the development of its space program.

This hearing examines China’s growing influence in Africa and assesses the implications of this influence for the United States. Panelists analyze the strategic goals of China’s Africa policy and Africa’s significance to Beijing’s broader political and foreign policy interests. The hearing then assesses China’s economic activity in Africa, including its desire for commodities and resources, investment in critical infrastructure and sectors, and role in Africa’s growing digital economy. Finally, it examines China’s growing security presence on the continent, including the evolution of Sino-African military-to-military relations, Chinese participation in UN peacekeeping operations, and China’s efforts to establish a permanent military presence on the continent to support its geopolitical and economic goals.