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The hearing evaluates the state of deterrence across the Taiwan Strait and its implications for U.S. interests. The first panel assesses the cross-Strait military balance. The second panel examines the political considerations informing Beijing’s willingness to use force against Taiwan and those informing Taipei’s response. The third panel reviews U.S. policy relevant to Taiwan’s defense, including the United States’ ability to intervene in a military conflict in the Taiwan Strait.
Trade Bulletin
Quarterly review of China’s economy
The hearing evaluates the state of the U.S.-China relationship, the Chinese Communist Party's goals in the year of its centennial, and the implications for the United States. The first panel offers a net assessment of the current state of U.S.-China political, economic, and security relations heading into 2021. The second panel examines key takeaways from the Fifth Plenum and other recent high-level CCP conferences and statements. The third panel considers the implications for the United Sates of the trend lines in China's politics, economy, security policy, and foreign affairs.
Trade Bulletin
In Focus – Central Economic Work Conference
China’s ambitious Corporate Social Credit System (CSCS) comprises a nation-wide data-gathering effort intended to regulate corporate behavior. This report describes the policy background, present function, and ultimate vision for this system as identified by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).