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The report examines five categories of China’s advanced weapons systems (counter-space, unmanned systems, maneuverable reentry vehicles, directed energy and electromagnetic railguns) and artificial intelligence applications for national defense. The report also assesses the implications of China’s advanced weapons programs for the United States and its allies and provides recommendations.
Trade Bulletin
Quarterly review of China’s economy
This hearing will investigate China’s food policies and how they affect the United States. It will examine China’s food security and agricultural trade policy, China’s investment in food resources abroad, the impact of China’s biotechnology policies on U.S. firms and farmers, and export opportunities for U.S. food and agricultural firms in China. It will also probe food safety challenges in China and how the United States should respond to food safety and market conditions in China.
The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission released a report entitled Supply Chain Vulnerabilities from China in U.S. Federal Information and Communications Technology, prepared for the Commission by Interos Solutions, Inc. The report examines vulnerabilities in the U.S. government information and communications technology (ICT) supply chains posed by China, and makes recommendations for supply chain risk management.