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Prepared by Terence P. Stewart, Robert E. Lighthizer, David A. Hartquist, Linda A. Andros, and Roger B. Schagrin, July 20, 2005
Testimonies & Speeches
Written Statement of Commissioner Carolyn Bartholomew before the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - Seminar on US-China Relations, "Dark Clouds on the Horizon: Rising U.S.-China Frictions ", now available. July 14, 2005
Testimonies & Speeches
Statement Chairman C. Richard D’Amato Before the House Committee on Armed Services hearing on "National Security Dimensions of the Possible Acquisition of UNOCAL by CNOOC and the Role of CFIUS" now available.

June 23, 2005

124 Dirksen Senate Office Building
1 st Street and Constitution Avenue, NE
Washington, DC

Co-Chairs: Commissioners Michael Wessel, William Reinsch, and Larry Wortzel

Testimonies & Speeches
Statement of C. Richard D’Amato, Chairman, on “Competition for Commodities: China and the North American Response,” before the Canada Institute, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Toronto, Canada, June 10, 2005.