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China’s direct financial linkages with the United States have been growing but remain very modest when compared to the two countries’ trade linkages. Beijing has taken steps to gradually open its financial sector to foreign investors, but U.S. investors have displayed little interest since the reforms are happening as Chinese policymakers impose tighter restrictions on foreign currency…
Presidents Trump and Xi agree to reform a flagship bilateral dialogue
This hearing will examine the effectiveness of Chinese censorship mechanisms as well the current reliability of censorship circumvention methods and the implications for the United States of China’s attempts to export its information control practices. It will also address China’s soft power strategy to influence media globally, especially its influence over entertainment and journalism, and it…
The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission invites submission of proposals to provide a one-time unclassified report on China’s development of advanced weapons. Electronic or hard-copy proposals must be received by 5:30PM (EST) on May 30, 2017.
This two page issue brief lays out the U.S. statutory test for determining whether a country is a market economy, and assesses China’s eligibility based on those criteria.
This hearing will discuss Beijing’s perceived security concerns regarding Taiwan, the East China Sea (Senkaku Islands), as well as challenges to China’s maritime claims in the South China Sea. These areas are “regional hotspots” for which the People's Liberation Army is actively preparing for contingencies that could result in armed conflicts between China and U.S. allies, friends, and partners…
Sector focus – Artificial Intelligence
The report examines Chinese investment in U.S. aviation and related university connections with Chinese entities and assesses the implications of the resulting technology transfer on U.S. national security and aviation industry competitiveness. This report was prepared for the Commission by the RAND Corporation.
Chinese imports account for a disproportionately high number of product safety recalls in the United States, and China’s position as the largest supplier of U.S. consumer imports challenges U.S. safety regulatory agencies who must apply finite resources to screen out risky products. This staff paper explores unique product safety problems posed by Chinese imports, including legal difficulties…
Despite areas of tension and distrust between Beijing and Moscow since normalizing relations in 1989, the two countries’ militaries and defense establishments have steadily worked to minimize and overcome these differences and are now experiencing arguably the highest period of cooperation. This staff report analyzes the three main components of military-to-military ties—military exercises,…