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The hearing will focus on key developments in the security, diplomatic, and economic spheres of China’s relations with countries in Southeast Asia and with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). It will seek to understand how China's relations with the region may be changing and assess the implications of developments in China-Southeast Asia relations for the United States.
Press Release
Chinese businesses participating in the U.S. financial services sector can effectively operate behind a firewall that keeps them largely immune from the jurisdiction of U.S. courts and regulatory agencies, leaving U.S. partners, competitors, and investors vulnerable. Greater legal protections for U.S. entities, including requiring Chinese firms in the United States to assign a domestic agent to receive legal papers such as subpoenas and court notifications, are a possible solution to this dilemma of jurisdiction.
Trade Bulletin
Quarterly review of China’s economy
This hearing will examine the 12th Five-Year Plan, its effect on China’s strategic emerging industries and innovation, and emerging issues related to China’s market reform and U.S. competitiveness and their implications for U.S. economic interests.