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Annual Report
… 1606769521 … 1602 … (386) SECTION 2: CHINA’S GROWING POWER PROJECTION AND … Address Anti-Access & Area Denial Challenges, May 2013, 2; Andrew Krepinevich, Barry Watts, and Robert Work, “Meeting … and U.S. National Interests, February 20, 2020, 1–2; Andrew Erickson and Christopher Carlson, “Sustained Support: The …
Annual Report
… 1573754992 … 1181 … (356) SECTION 2: CHINA AND TAIWAN Introduction On May 20, 2016, … the People’s Republic of China 2016, April 26, 2016, 72; Andrew S. Erickson and Michael Chase, ‘‘China’s Strategic Rocket …
… 1568001792 … 567 … CCaappaabbiilliittiieess ooff tthhee CChhiinneessee PPeeooppllee’’ssStrategic Guidelines,” in Kamphausen, Roy and Scobell, Andrew, eds., Right-Sizing the People’s Liberation Army: … - China And Northeast Asia, September, 29 2008; Andrew S. Erickson & Michael S. Chase, “PLA Navy Modernization: …
Annual Report
… 1569131732 … 958 … (356) SECTION 2: CHINA AND TAIWAN Introduction On May 20, 2016, … the People’s Republic of China 2016, April 26, 2016, 72; Andrew S. Erickson and Michael Chase, ‘‘China’s Strategic Rocket …
… 1567995748 … 342 … HEARING ON CHINA'S MILITARY REFORMS AND MODERNIZATION: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE … the aircraft before they can launch these missiles. As Andrew Erickson and his colleagues put it, “Cruise missile threats, …
Annual Report
… 1573854152 … 1188 … (470) * China became Taiwan’s largest trading partner in 2005. Bureau of Foreign Trade … of William Murray, June 5, 2014; Dennis M. Gormley, Andrew S. Erickson, and Jingdong Yuan, A Low-Visibility Force …
… 1718240948 … 2652 … 1 China’s National Defense Mobilization System Devin Thorne … training, and policy execution.” See Conor M. Kennedy and Andrew S. Erickson, "China Maritime Report No. 1: China’s Third Sea …