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As of January 8, 2024, there were 265 Chinese companies listed with a total market capitalization of $848 billion.
This issue brief finds that women have limited representation and voice across the top echelons of China’s political system.
This staff research report details China’s evolving and expanding transnational repression “toolkit.” This toolkit includes “overseas police stations,” intelligence operations targeting Beijing’s critics in foreign countries, efforts to undermine free speech at universities, online harassment, coercion-by-proxy, and abuse of the INTERPOL red notice system, as well as extradition treaties.
Annual Report
Topics include China’s global legal reach; China’s influence and interference; China's education system; China's economic problems; China’s relations with foreign militaries; export controls; Europe-China relations and transatlantic cooperation; and a review of Taiwan, Hong Kong, economics, trade, security, politics, and foreign affairs.
The hearing evaluates the health of China's financial sector, examines China's role in global capital markets, and addresses developments in U.S.-China trade relations and U.S. supply chain resiliency.
The Commission invites submission of proposals to provide a concise, one-time unclassified report on China's Advanced Remote Sensing Technologies and Applications.
The hearing provides an overview of Europe-China relations, including China's view of Europe, European views of China, and perspectives on China from Germany and the Czech Republic; and evaluates European approaches to addressing China in the economic and technological domains and on strategic issues, while comparing these approaches to those of the United States and exploring the space for further Transatlantic cooperation.
The hearing examines how the CCP views law and its ambitions to promote those views internationally, uses case studies to assess China's subversion of international laws and norms and violation of its treaty obligations and the consequences in various domains of international law, and considers how the U.S. court system treats the interpretation of Chinese law and enforcement of Chinese judgements, as well as the Chinese court systems attempts to influence and prevent parallel litigation in other jurisdictions.
This Issue Brief details the challenges posed by Chinese “fast fashion” platforms, including exploitation of trade loopholes; concerns about production processes, sourcing relationships, product safety, and use of forced labor; and violations of intellectual property rights. These platforms primarily rely on U.S. consumers downloading and using Chinese apps to curate and deliver products. The primary focus of this Issue Brief is first mover Shein, about which the most data is available, with additional discussion of Temu, which has rapidly expanded its U.S. market presence in the past year. These firms commercial success has encouraged both established Chinese e-commerce platforms and startups to copy its model, posing risks and challenges to U.S. regulations, laws, and principles of market access.
The hearing assesses China's motivations and policies for defense modernization, including overviews of its military procurement process and military-civil fusion strategy; evaluates how China is pursuing new materials, components, and technologies to address longstanding obstacles in domains such as space, aviation, and undersea warfare, as well as to gain supremacy in new domains such as artificial intelligence; and provides a forward-looking assessment of how Congress, the Administration, and U.S. allies and partners could improve export controls and investment screening to control technology flows to China for use in advanced weapons.