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Hearing: China’s Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights and the dangers of the Movement of Counterfeited and Pirated Goods into the United States

June 7-8, 2006

385 Russell Senate Office Building
Delaware & Constitution Avenues, NE
Washington , DC 20510

Co-chairs: Commissioners C. Richard D’Amato and Kerri Houston



  • Opening Statement of Chairman Larry M. Wortzel [Remarks]
  • Opening Statement of C. Richard D'Amato [Remarks]
  • Opening Statement of Kerri Houston [Remarks]

Panel I: Congressional Perspectives

  • Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK)
  • Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) [Testimony]
  • Congresswoman Diane Watson (D-CA 33rd) [Testimony]
  • Congressman Joe Knollenberg (R-MI 9th) [Testimony]

Panel II: Administration Perspectives

  • Mr. Chris Israel, International IPR Enforcement Coordinator, Department of Commerce, Washington DC [Testimony]
  • Mr. Tim Stratford, Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for China Affairs, Washington DC [Testimony]

Panel III: Overview: Protecting U.S. IP in China

  • Mr. Myron Brilliant, Vice President, East Asia, U.S.-Chamber of Commerce, Washington, DC [Testimony]
  • Mr. Edward Jung, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Intellectual Ventures, Bellevue, WA [Testimony]

Panel IV: Copyright Industries

  • Mr. Jason “Jay” S. Berman, Founding Partner, Berman Rosen Global Strategies, LLC, New York, NY [Testimony]
  • Mr. John McGuire, Senior Advisor, Screen Actors Guild, New York, NY [Testimony]
  • Ms. Patricia Schroeder, President and CEO, Association of American Publishers, Washington, DC [Testimony]

Panel V: Pharmaceutical Industry – Government Perspective

  • Dr. Randall Lutter, Associate Commissioner for Policy and Planning, Food and Drug Administration, Washington DC
  • Mr. Kevin Dellicolli, Deputy Assistant Director, Financial and Trade Investigations Division, Office of Investigation, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Dept. of Homeland Security, Washington, DC [Testimony]

Panel VI: Pharmaceutical Industry

  • Mr. Peter Pitts, President, Center for Medicine in the Public Interest, New York, NY [Testimony]

385 Russell Senate Office Building

June 8, 2006

Panel VII: Congressional Perspectives

  • Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) [Testimony]
  • Congressman Donald Manzullo (R-IL 16th) [Testimony]

Panel VIII: Manufacturing and Automotive Industry

  • Mr. David McCurdy, President and CEO, Electronic Industries Alliance, Arlington VA [Testimony]
  • Professor Daniel C.K. Chow, Professor of Law, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH [Testimony]

Panel IX: IP Law and Bilateral Negotiations

  • Mr. Terry Stewart, Esq., Stewart and Stewart Law Offices, Washington DC [Testimony]
  • Professor Justin Hughes, Director, Intellectual Property Program, Cordozo School of Law, Yeshiva University, New York, NY [Testimony]
  • Professor Andrew Mertha, Assistant Professor, Washington University, St. Louis, MO [Testimony]

Panel X: Conclusions: The Future of Protecting U.S. IP

  • Mr. Timothy P. Trainer, President, Global Intellectual Property Strategy Center, P.C., Washington D.C. [Testimony]
  • Dr. Neil Livingstone, CEO, Global Options Inc., Washington, DC [Testimony]
  • Dr. Pat Choate, Co-Director, Manufacturing Policy Project, Sperryville, VA [Testimony]