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Hearing on China and the U.S. Rebalance to Asia

Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room G-50

Washington, D.C. 20510

Hearing Co-Chairs: Vice Chairman Carolyn Bartholomew and Senator James Talent

9:00 AM-9:05 AM:       Opening Remarks: Vice Chairman Carolyn Bartholomew and Senator James Talent

9:05 AM-10:35 AM:     Panel I: Objectives and Future Direction for Rebalance Security Policies

10:35 AM-10:45 AM:     Break

10:45 AM-12:15 PM:     Panel II: Objectives and Future Direction for Rebalance Economic Policies

12:15 PM-1:15 PM:       Lunch Break

1:15 PM-2:45 PM:        Panel III: Chinese and Regional Responses to the Rebalance

2:45 PM-2:50 PM:         Closing Remarks

2:50 PM:                      Adjourn