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CCP Decision-Making and the 20th Party Congress


Hearing on "CCP Decision-Making and the 20th Party Congress" 

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 419, and Webex

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Hearing Co-Chairs: Commissioner Derek Scissors and Commissioner Jeffrey Fiedler

9:15 AM – 9:25 AM: Co-Chairs' Opening Remarks
9:25 AM – 10:55 AM: Panel I: Elite Politics in China and the 20th Party Congress

10:55 AM – 11:05 AM: Break

11:05 AM – 12:35 PM: Panel II: Economic Policy Decision-Making

12:35 PM – 1:35 PM: Lunch Break

1:35 PM – 3:35 PM: Panel III: Foreign Policy and National Security Decision-Making

  • Yun Sun, Senior Fellow and Co-Director, East Asia Program, Director, China Program, Stimson Center [Testimony]
  • James Mulvenon, Director, Center for Intelligence Research and Analysis (CIRA), SOSi [Testimony]
  • Joel Wuthnow, Senior Research Fellow, Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs at the Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University [Testimony]
  • Roderick Lee, Research Director, U.S. Air Force China Aerospace Studies Institute [Testimony]

3:35 PM – 3:40 PM: Closing Remarks

3:40 PM: Adjourn



  • Alex He, Research Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation [Statement]
  • Jean-Pierre Cabestan, Senior Researcher at the French Center for Scientific Research, Paris, France; Research Professor of Political Science, Hong Kong Baptist University [Statement]