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Michael Kuiken

Commissioner Michael Kuiken was appointed to the Commission by Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer for a term expiring December 31, 2025.

Mike joins the Commission following nearly 23 years in the U.S. Senate.

His most recent role was as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s National Security Advisor. During his tenure, Mike spearheaded policy initiatives on strategic competition, such as the CHIPS and Science Act, and played an integral role in the Senate's bipartisan Artificial Intelligence Insight Forums. He also played a crucial role in guiding every piece of national security legislation through the Senate, including the annual National Defense Authorization Act and the 2024 National Security Supplemental.

Prior to his time with Senator Schumer, Mike served for over 12 years on the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC). In this capacity, he led policy and oversight efforts on matters concerning the Middle East, Africa, Western Hemisphere, counterterrorism, sensitive military operations and intelligence activities, and several rounds of sanctions targeting Iran.