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The hearing will examine the capabilities, scope, and objectives of China’s space and counterspace programs. It will explore the research and development efforts behind these programs and the factors that have contributed to China’s recent space technology advances. The hearing will also address the implications of China’s dual-use and military space programs for the United States.
Highlights of this edition: Hurdles Abound in Unifying China’s Pension Systems; China’s Northwest Sees Steel Opportunities on the “One Belt, One Road”; Rethinking China’s “Going Out” Strategy in the High-Speed Rail Industry; Lowering the Reserve Requirement for Chinese Banks: A Smart Move?
This report examines many of the weaknesses in the PLA’s human capital and organization realms, its combat capabilities across various domains, and China’s defense research and industrial complex. Furthermore, the report analyzes how these weaknesses affect the PLA’s performance of missions tasked by Beijing.
Sector focus—China’s draft Foreign Investment Law
This report examines recent upgrades to Taiwan’s patrol fleet and implications for Taiwan’s security.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015 G50 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC Hearing Co-Chairs: Commissioners William A. Reinsch and Daniel Slane 8:30a - 8:45a        Co-Chairs’ remarks: Commissioners William A. Reinsch and Daniel Slane 8:45a - 9:45a       Administration Panel: Assessing the Interface between China’s Competition and Technology Licensing Policies
As the United States weighs options for responding to the widely publicized cyber attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment in November 2014, for which it has attributed responsibility to North Korea, the perspectives and potential reactions of China are of particular interest. This report analyzes four questions regarding China's position: whether it was involved in the attack, prospects for…
Sector spotlight: China approves MIR 162 GMO corn trait
On November 29, 2014, Taiwan held a series of local elections for 11,130 positions, including mayors, county magistrates, city and county councilors, township chiefs, and village and borough chiefs. This staff report provides an overview of the election results and assesses their implications for cross-Strait relations from now until Taiwan’s presidential election in 2016.